Übersicht über Erleben

The Art Museum Graubünden offers a very special kind of midday break. Through the fund of background knowledge of one of our museum lecturers you can discover an artwork selected from the collection or an exhibition in 30 minutes. After being inspired by art in this way you can relax in the exquisite atmosphere of our museum cafe and enjoy its culinary delights before facing your daily routine with new zest.

Guided tours are offered on a regular basis, always from 12:30 until 1:00 p.m.

Booking: required
Language: German
Duration: 30 Minutes
Fees: included in the admission fee (additional costs for lunch)

The openings for exhibitions are open to the public. We always take great pleasure in celebrating artists, art, and an evening rich in encounters with our visitors in this way.
In our calendar and the exhibition rubric on the website you will find the exact dates and times. Our Newsletter will regularly inform you about our programme.

As a member of the Bündner Kunstvereins you will receive a personal invitation alongside other privileges and advantages.

The Art Museum Graubünden, in addition to its presentations of the collection and special exhibitions, provides guided tours for its visitors on a regular basis. Enlightened by the expertise of our museum lecturers over a 60-minute tour, you will experience our exhibitions in their entirety and gain in-depth knowledge about individual artworks.

No bookings are required for our public guided tours. The cost of the tour is included in the admission fee. Our public guided tours are in German.

Booking: required
Fees: included in the admission fee
Language: German
Duration: 60 Minutes

Das Bündner Kunstmuseum lädt ein zum SonntagsAtelier. Experimentieren und gestalten Sie als Familie, alleine oder im Team. Die aktuellen Ausstellungen oder ein spannendes Thema liefern Ideen für den kreativen Morgen.
Erleben Sie mit der Kunstvermittlerin Sarah Clavadetscher eine Reise durch die Welt der Kunst. Durch die eigene künstlerische Praxis weiss Sarah, was es braucht, damit jede Kreation gelingt.

Das Angebot richtet sich an alle Altersgruppen, Kinder in Begleitung von Erwachsenen.

Sonntage 2024
19. Mai / 25. August / 29. September / 27. Oktober / 24. November
jeweils von 10.30–12.30 Uhr

Kosten: Museumseintritt für Erwachsene. Jugendliche bis 16 Jahre und Kinder sind kostenfrei.
Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich

T +41 81 257 28 72
Kunstvolle Zeitung
Sonntag, 19. Mai 2024

Unser Bildträger ist kein weisses Blatt Papier, sondern eine gedruckte Zeitungen. Die Berichte aus dem Weltgeschehen laden ein, nach individuellen Wünschen und Hoffnungen bildnerisch überarbeitet, revidiert oder kommentiert zu werden. Auf demokratische und künstlerische Weise nehmen wir Teil an der Geschichtsschreibung.
Anlässlich des internationalen Museumstags ist das Angebot kostenfrei.

The Art Museum Graubünden is a museum of encounters and experiences. Most of the events are an integral part of the exhibitions. However, they are of course listed as special events in our agenda.

The museum sees itself also as a forum for discussing social, art-historical, philosophical, historical, academic, design, everyday, or spontaneous issues. We initiate such events and chair the discussions; you can voice your opinion, lead or contribute to debates, teach, learn, or just enjoy the event.

Among our diverse programme of excursions, specialized conferences, symposia etc you are certain to find the fitting format for your needs.

Costs:  Special events may involve fees